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玫瑰花花根及Gcode 3D打印模型STL格式
STL format of rose root and gcode 3D printing model 模型包含如下零件
玫瑰花花根及Gcode 3D打印模型STL格式 ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 13.06.4 M109 T0 S200.000000 T0 ;Sliced at: Mon 24 Nov 2014 13:36:22 ;Basic settings: Layer height: 0.12 Walls: 1.2 Fill: 10 ;Print time: #P_TIME# ;Filament used: #F_AMNT#m #F_WGHT#g ;Filament cost: #F_COST# G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M107 ;start with the fan off G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops G1 Z15.0 F6000 ;move the platform down 15mm G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length G1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again G1 F6000 M117 Printing... ;total_layers=816 ;LAYER:0 M107 G0 F3720 X87.33 Y87.22 Z0.30 ;TYPE:SKIRT G1 F1440 X87.43 Y87.13 E0.00223 STL format of rose root and gcode 3D printing model 该栏目最热门模型